Gold Selling and Brokerage

SK Minerals provides a secure and reliable platform for buying and selling gold. They work with a network of trusted partners to ensure the highest standards of quality and transparency.

Mineral Processing and Refining

The company operates state-of-the-art mineral processing facilities, offering services such as ore concentration, smelting, and refining. They use the latest technologies to maximize efficiency and minimize environmental impact.

Exploration and Mining Consulting

SK Minerals' team of experts provides comprehensive consulting services to support exploration, development, and operation of mining projects in the region. They offer guidance on regulatory compliance, feasibility studies, and project management.

About us

SK Minerals

SK Minerals is a Uganda and East Africa focussed gold selling, brokerage and mineral processing company. They offer a range of services including:

  • Gold Brokerage and Sales
  • Mineral Processing
  • Minerals Consulting
We are not just extracting and trading minerals; we are building lasting partnerships and contributing to sustainable development. Thank you for your trust and continued support as we strive to set new benchmarks in the minerals industry. - SK ( CEO SKMINERALS )


Gold Selling and Brokerage

SK Minerals provides a secure and reliable platform for buying and selling gold. They work with a network of trusted partners to ensure the highest standards of quality and transparency.

Mineral Processing and Refining

The company operates state-of-the-art mineral processing facilities, offering services such as ore concentration, smelting, and refining. They use the latest technologies to maximize efficiency and minimize environmental impact.

Exploration and Mining Consulting

SK Minerals' team of experts provides comprehensive consulting services to support exploration, development, and operation of mining projects in the region. They offer guidance on regulatory compliance, feasibility studies, and project management.

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Contact us

You can contact us, if you have any query

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